Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Souper Saturday sign up

You can sign up now to attend Souper Saturday, our next Women's Link Event!

6  to 9 p.m., Saturday, April 10
At the home of Michelle C. (e-mail Women's Link for address)

What happens when life’s ride takes an unexpected twist? Several ORDINARY women will share their personal stories of how they faced EXTRAORDINARY circumstances. We will hear how they grew closer to God and learned to walk in faith through difficult situations.

If you love to cook, would you be willing to bring a crock pot full of SOUP for our group to share? Or how about some bread, salad or dessert? We will be sampling lots of soups and salads. If you would be willing to bring something, please let me know.

But most importantly, start planning now to BRING A FRIEND! This will be a fun evening, with time to get to know other women and be encouraged in our walk with Christ.

Sign up by sending the following info to Women's Link:
YES! I will attend. There is NO cost and NO obligation to bring something!


Phone and E-mail (if you aren’t in the directory):


If you would like to bring something, please let me know:

Soup (we need 6, have 2 already):
Salad (we need 4, have 3 already):
Dessert (we need 5, have 1 already):
(2) 2-liter bottles of soft drink (we need 10, have 0):
Bag of ice (we need 1):

A lot of people have asked if they can help with something. I also will need a few people to help with set-up at 5:30 p.m. and clean-up until 9:30 p.m. If you are interested, let me know.

Yes! I will help with

I really appreciate all of the encouragement and enthusiasm about Women’s Link!


If you are interested in attending a Tuesday morning Bible study, please let me know by this Friday. We will be going through the Beth Moore study, Living Beyond Yourself. The morning study will begin March 16 and meet at a home in southwest Naperville. Childcare is provided.

I’m also gauging interest in an evening study. Please e-mail Women's Link if you are interested in either of these. We will be ordering the workbooks at the end of the week.

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