Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Register now for Bible study!!

Registration has begun for a new Women's Bible Study, which will begin Jan. 27. We will meet Tuesday mornings at the home of Sarah West in southwest Naperville.

We will be studying Beth Moore's brand-new study: Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman. "Going up against heavyweights bent on her destruction, Esther trusted God and landed a blow that saved her people. The Old Testament story of Esther is a profile in courage and contains many modern parallels for today's woman. Esther's destiny can be yours as you know more deeply the God who is in your corner."

Childcare will be provided. Cost to attend will be $15 for the workbook, as well as childcare costs (to be determined). We would like to order the workbooks by Jan. 15, so if you could sign up by then, we would appreciate it!

To register, please send an e-mail with your name, phone number and e-mail address.

In the works...

Would you be interested in participating in a monthly book club with other CrossTown women? We are envisioning a group that would meet in the evening to discuss a book with a spiritual emphasis. If you are interested, please leave a comment or e-mail us.

Coming up in February... We are planning our next Women's Link event for late February. Would you be more likely to attend an overnight retreat, a one-day event or a morning-only event? Please leave a comment or e-mail us.

Please also let us know if you would like to help with the planning of our next event. It's a lot of fun!!

Winter Wonderland

Wow! The Women's Link Christmas Event was so much fun! We will be putting together a photo slide show, but here's a sneak peek!

The decor for our Winter Wonderland theme was amazing! If you would like to see even more pictures, click here.

Thank you to our amazing decorators: Jolie, Caryl, Emily S., Lori, Lara and Emily N. And thank you to Michele for putting together our beautiful centerpiece!

And thank you so much to Julie who made the hot cocoa mix and the cute little packaging for these take-home gifts for every woman who attended!!

A big thank you to Lara for putting together our devotional for the evening!

And to Carrie K. for making these take-home cards for each woman to "Unwrap the Gift" at home.

Huge thanks to our greeters, bakers, and hospitality crew: Debbie, Julie, Tracy and Caryl!
Thank you to Carrie, our photographer!
Can you believe we made everyone cook?!?

But it was all in good fun!

And thank you to everyone who attended! Will you leave us a comment with your feedback? We would love to hear from you.

Love, Emily and Lara