Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It's No Secret - You Could Win a Special Prize

If you're planning on attending the SOS (Sharing Our Secrets) Women's Link event on June 13th (details here), sign up by June 1st and you'll be entered in a drawing for a special prize.

Remember, this event is FREE! You can sign up by emailing us at ctcwomenslink@gmail.com and simply say, "Sign me up!". Or check out the table in the lobby after the service the next two Sundays (May 24th & May 31st) for your chance to register for this event.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

SOS! Calling all CTC Women!

Ever feel like you are sinking?
Do you need ideas to help organize your time, cut your grocery bill, stretch your budget?
Then it’s time for SOS!

SOS(Sharing Our Secrets):Tips to TRANSFORM your thinking, build your TRUST in God & help you THRIVE in TOUGH TIMES

This practical workshop is intended to help us as women to find ways to not only cope with the tough economic situations we face today but thrive and come alongside others to share the burden. Several CrossTown women will share their secrets about: organizing & planning, how to save on groceries, giving to God when money is tight and tips for stretching your dollar the old-fashioned way, all with a focus on how these things equip us to be salt and light to our Body and our World. We hope you will come and learn something new that will have you praising God in the midst of what the world calls a “crisis”.

Saturday, June 13th 9 am to Noon at the Church Office

For more information, contact Women's Link at ctcwomenslink@gmail.com.